We Focus on Issues
That Effect Life in Stony Point​
​Update our 28 year old zoning and land use master plan by utilizing input from a cross-section of town residents to create a new vision for the future of Stony Point.
Add zoning code regulations that preserve and protect our neighborhoods to prevent landlords from converting single family homes into multi-occupancy boarding house rentals.
Provide access to town board meetings by broadcasting and archiving town board meetings so that everyone can easily keep up with what's going on in town.
Improve library services by expanding the Rose Memorial Library using Ramapo Catskill Library Association grants to keep costs down.
Bring residents together to pro-actively develop the Letchworth property rather than letting developers influence its outcome.
Create a robust economic and business development plan with help from the North Rockland Chamber of Commerce and other business leaders to revitalize Stony Point.
Pass laws to prevent nepotism so that working for the town doesn’t become a “family business”.
Advertise all Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Board openings to the public so that interested residents can apply.
Encourage Town Board members to have important discussions and make decisions in public and not behind closed doors.
Stony Point Dems: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Each month the Stony Point Democratic Committee performs a public service for our community. You don't have to be a committee member or a Democrat to participate. Just let us know you're interested and we'll invite you to our next project.